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How Niagara Equissage Pulse® Digital can help with respiratory problems


Niagara Equissage Pulse can improve many aspects of a horse’s performance, including joint mobility and back issues, to name but a few. However, many people may not be aware that Niagara Equissage Pulse can also help alleviate the impact of numerous symptoms caused by respiratory problems. Respiratory problems can often go undiagnosed as there is not always obvious signs of a medical issue, for example nasal discharge and rapid breathing.

The most common respiratory issue that effects horses and ponies is Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), which is commonly known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Other respiratory problems include Exercise-induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage (EIPH), Secondary bacterial respiratory infections (e.g., Influenza) and Viral Respiratory infections, which are common in horses.

A scientific study undertaken on human Intensive Care Unit patients (ICU) showed a statistically significant improvement in chest clearance with ventilated human patients that used NHC Cyclo-Therapy®. Results from this study also suggested that NHC Cyclo-Therapy® may contribute to expectoration and thus improve lung collapse among ventilated patients in ICU (J Chin Med Assoc, 2009). This same unique Cycloid Vibration Therapy action can also help reduce spasms and help clear mucus from the respiratory tract of horses. Respiratory conditions often result in congestion of the airways as a result of excess mucus and inflammation. The cycloidal vibrations help to shift this mucus and reduce inflammation.

In general, the majority of breathing problems can be treated by using the Niagara Equissage Back Pad, when used on a daily basis in the saddle position. As little as a 20 minute session daily can help horses suffering from respiratory issues. It is also recommended that the Hand Unit is used in conjunction with the Back Pad prior to strenuous exercise, for optimum care and results. To use the hand unit, simply hold the body of the unit on the brisket at medium to high speed, for at least 2 minutes. Slowly work up the side of the windpipe at least 3 times at a medium to high speed. Hold the body of the unit onto the soft palate for 1-2 minutes, making sure you do not come into contact with the jawbone.

Following these steps and guidance has allowed many customers to have great success using Niagara Equissage Pulse on horses with respiratory issues.

“My mare struggled with joint issues, so I decided to purchase a back pad and hand unit. During my free demonstration, I learnt about how both units can help horses who struggle with breathing issues. My top horse had not long been diagnosed with COPD, which was affecting her work quite a lot. So much so, she had to start using a steroid inhaler on a daily basis. Obviously, she wasn’t able to compete on these drugs and I therefore knew I had to ween her off the inhaler around these times. Using Niagara Equissage on a daily basis and more so when approaching competitions, most definitely benefited her breathing. The amount of mucus decreased, and the deep cough didn’t reappear when she wasn’t taking the steroids. I am really happy with the results and would most definitely recommend the Equissage Pulse to owners who have horses that struggle with respiratory issues!” Olivia Rose Robertson.

Does your horse or pony suffer from respiratory problems? Would you like to see first-hand, how the Niagara Equissage Pulse Digital can help alleviate symptoms? Call us today or make contact via our website and social platforms, to arrange a completely free, no obligation product demonstration from one of our therapy advisors nationwide.

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